Patrick Taylor Art

About Patrick

This is not me:

It's an oil painting of my son I did about ten years ago when I painted oil paintings. I know how to paint but I stopped because I now have a sufficient number I don't want to sell, so what's the point. I have since developed a style of drawing derived from my time as a professional architect and which I call "the architecture of form."

When I have finished a drawing (which might take a few weeks) I make archival quality prints and those I am willing to sell. Some are Limited Editions of 100 and others are Open Editions.

My mother was Françoise Taylor, an artist who was originally Belgian but came to live in England when she married my father, an Englishman, immediately after World War 2 in Brussels. When I was growing up my mother saw I was good at drawing and that I liked Frank Lloyd Wright so she told me to become an architect, which I thank her for. I enjoyed architecture – it's the drawing probably, and making something tangible. Françoise died in England in 2007. Like me, she never wanted to push herself forward. So this website is about as far as I want to push (apart from a bit of Instagram).